
Active Sellers
Puzzle Master
Things From Another World
Food Market
Food Market
by (Self-Published) (2022)
Player Count
2 to 4

Player Ages

Playing Time
15 minutes to 20 minutes
  • Card Game
  • Educational
  • Family
  • Admin: Unreleased Games
  • Rating: 9.1/10 from 2 users


    "The freshest game on the market!"

    Food Market is the game where you will need to fill your shopping basket in a healthy way with the available products on the market (Proteins, Hydrates, Fruits-Vegetables and Drinks).

    Use the Events to enhance your shopping foods and get rid of the trash food, that your opponents will try to put in your cart.

    In Food Market, the first person who reaches 10 points with at least one food of each category wins the game.

    —description from the designer

    "¡El juego más fresco del mercado!"

    «Food Market» es un juego en el que tendrás que llenar tu cesta de la compra de una manera saludable con lo alimentos disponibles en el mercado (Proteínas, Hidratos, Frutas-Verduras y Bebidas).

    Utiliza los eventos para mejorar los alimentos de tu compra y deshacerte de la comida basura que te colocaran el resto de jugadores.

    En «Food Market» gana el primer jugador que consiga llegar a 10 puntos, teniendo al menos 1 alimento de cada categoría.

    —description from the designer (Spanish)

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