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Things From Another World
Puzzle Master
by Cognosis Games LLC (2013)
Player Count
2 to 6

Player Ages

Playing Time
45 minutes
  • Trivia
  • Puzzle
  • Educational
  • Mechanisms
  • Roll / Spin and Move
  • Rating: 5/10 from 1 users


    Fairly straightforward snakes-and-ladders style game with 600 numerical, verbal and non-verbal reasoning questions (200 of each type) used to determine progress. Designed to help children improve their 11+/CAT scores (Cognitive Ability Tests used in the UK either as part of 11+/school entrance exams/streaming exams within weeks of starting secondary school) but with a "hard-mode" for adults consisting of a 30 second timer for each question rather than the 50 second timer for children. Cognosis Challenge squares add an extra dimension.

    Cognosis is an exciting, problem-solving family game. It includes 600 questions based on the 3 question types that are used in Cognitive Ability Tests (CATs)*, tests that are faced by almost all children aged 10 or 11 in the UK.
    Children have 50 seconds to answer the questions (the time allowed in a test) but over 12’s only have 30 seconds, making it a game for all the family. Land on a square and answer the question. Get it right and remain where you are or get it wrong and go back to where you came from. Land on a Cognosis Challenge square and challenge one of your opponents to answer a question of your choice – which category do they find the hardest? If they get it wrong, they go back.
    Reach the Final Challenge square and answer the question to be crowned the Cognosis Champion.
    Cognosis can be played simply as a fun game by all the family but it is also so much more. It gives children valuable practice in answering CAT type questions in the typical time allowed in the tests and so promotes familiarity and builds confidence. The best bit - as it is fun, children want to play it and don’t realise that they are learning and developing with every throw of the dice and every question answered. They also love beating their parents, grandparents or any adult so don’t think this is just a game for the children, they will want you to play too.
    Cognosis with a twist
    Alternative 1
    If you're under 12 and want more of a challenge, why not play the game using the 30 second timer
    Alternative 2
    Going on a long journey but still want to play/practice, why not take a box of cards (you choose which type) and a timer ( you choose which one) and play simply by pulling out a question, turning over the timer and trying to get the right answer before the timer runs out.
    Alternative 3
    Out of the house and with a friend. Again, take a box of cards and a timer. One person pulls out a question and lays it flat and the other turns over the timer. Who can get the correct answer first? The first one to correctly answer gets to keep the card. Play for 15 minutes. The winner is the one with the most cards at the end.

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